Ok, it really pissed me off when my local cable company took the Sci-Fi channel off of our cable line-up and put it in the Digital Cable only line-up. Meaning I'd have to pay $20 more a month just so I could watch Farscape. Now this!? What in the hell is wrong with these people? I have been a big fan of the show since it started, and this just pisses me off. I don't know if it's me, or what, but a whole ton of shows that I seem to like and really get into get cancelled (usually within the first season, or soon thereafter). Arg! I guess I'll just have to finish out my Farscape DVD collection and be pissed off. And hope that someday some other network will pick it up. DAMN IT!
I too am a fan of Invisible Man and Sliders (the earlier seasons, as you have pointed out). Such is my luck though, it seems that anytime I'm interested in a show, it gets cancelled, maybe I'll try just not watching anything and seeing if that helps.
Ok, this is really getting me mad now, I'll just shut-up and goto sleep before I rant more...