BF1942 has killed my computer.

Actually, it's probably just coincidence... but I have to wonder.

I told my chief engineer at the radio station where I work about BF1942 and how a bunch of people on the bbs really liked it... so he went out and got a better video card for me (a GeForce3 Ti200 with 128 MB of RAM) and made me download the demo version of the game so he could see it. Gee, ain't life tough in the radio biz?

I did get the game up and running last Friday. [heresy] But I didn't care for it very much -- too much thinking, not enough action, too slow. [/heresy] So this morning I made the grand demo -- got to "Select Spawning Point" and had no mouse cursor. To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to gracefully exit the game without a mouse, so I had to hit the reset button.

That was the last time I ever saw video from that new video card. We put the old card in, everything worked fine (not BF1942, old card won't support it) and we were back in business. Swapped the new card back in, no video.

I figure it's all Loren's fault -- he was the one who first pointed out this dreadful game.

The engineer says he'll get me another card, and maybe tomorrow we can try and see if we can kill my computer again.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"