I'm a music major, and the second I find a musical keyboard with a "num pad, and escape keys", I'm there.
I'm sure CommOri is waiting anxiously for the pictures.
(He just got a clear-window case and is doing the neon and LED-fan mods. The computer equivalent of slamming your car and putting neon under it...
Hehe, well in those pictures you'll also probably see pics of my PC it's self. It's in a Lian-Li PC75 case with a huge side window. I've got a neon in there

I didn't bother with the LED fans, because the case already came with four. I also only really needed the one neon right at the bottom of the case. It lights up all the essentials, and just looks plain cool.
I'm still working the kinks out on the keyboard now. Here's te reason: when/if you put this stuff in your keyboard, it impeeds the key travel on almost every key. I thought of many solutions until I saw my roommate's dremel tool

so I've been grinding down the problem keys and will probably continue to do so for quite some time. It smell like burning plastic in here...