I don't see any emails from you to [email protected], or any call logs from you. We don't provide tech support proactively - you have to ask for it!


> 1. It crashes when it cant access the disk.

The kernel retries failed disk reads for a long time before giving up - a couple of minutes I believe. At that point the player may well crash, but if it can't get one good read from the disk within two minutes then there's probably not much point in continuing to try! I'm surprised that you can't get any good disk reads at all within your vehicle - our shock testing created extremely harsh conditions and the player continued to run perfectly, even with caching switched off. There are some tests we can do to find out where the problem lies, but you'll need to contact technical support for that.

> 2. The display still falls over even though it has been repaired

Unless it's been repaired in the last couple of months, it won't have been fully fixed. We recently tracked down the root cause of the problem and now fit transient supressors to failed units to prevent recurrence. Again, if you were to contact support we would offer to apply this fix to your unit.
