PS. I am glad you do not work for Mclaren. I am sorry Mr Coultard but we feel that you have been driving your F1 car too hard, and just because you are a top competitor, you have no excuse.

Heh, interesting analogy.

I didn't mean to sound condescending in that last post, I meant it more like this:

If you're doing something more than just the consumer use of the stereo, then you should expect to need to do some DIY work on it. Surely not all of the stuff you've done for the SPL competitions is "stock"? You've had to make personal custom modifications to your car and amplification, why not expect the same for the stereo?

Your race-car analogy is a good one because it points up this very issue. Race cars are highly customized, and require their own maintenance crew- dozens of people working around the clock to support one driver's brief spurts of competition. And when the driver blows an engine, they have to be prepared to repair it themselves. You can't expect to drive a street-legal car off the dealer's lot and compete in a serious racing competition without modifying the car first and having some support ready.

All I was suggesting was that in order for the Empeg to tolerate being in the cabin during an SPL competition, you'll have to work on its shock-mounting some more. What do the other competitors do with CD players and such? I can't imagine a CD player tolerating that kind of vibration either.

Oh, and I'll bet Mr. Coultard still gets his head bitten off by his manager each time he blows an engine.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris