How would you get the files to have proper (unused) FID's were you to u/l songs via FTP? Just a thought.

You wouldn't. I mean, you would, but there is already a tool for this.

All you would do is upload your directory structure to a folder on the empeg.
Then open Emplode or jemplode and add files from that folder to your playlists.
Then sync.
During the sync the files fould be moved to the appropriate folder and assigned an appropriate FID.
The only difference is that the files would be coming from a folder on the empeg instead of a folder on your pc.

Sounds simple enough, but I, for one, have no idea to make it work.

Anyone else?
Is my idea simple or a big PITA.

Perhaps mschrag should be alerted of this feature request? Mike? you getting this?
I'll post this in Wish List later.
__________ davecosta Hijacked 60GB MKIIa 2.0b13