ut it definately would not be silly. Considering throughput over FTP is at least double that of file transfer rates using emplode or jemplode.

I'm not trying to be antagonistic here, really I'm not. I have the feeling that there is some basic thing that I just don't understand.

Why should it matter very much if it takes 10 minutes instead of 5 minutes to load a CD's worth of music into your player? It's not like this is something you'll be doing three times a day. Or even three times a week, once you have your player set up the way you want it.

For the initial loading (5 or 10 GB after you have everything ripped) you just let it run overnight, so who cares that it takes 10 hours instead of five?

I am still using USB to load my player, and have never felt the need to go to the trouble of adding network support. Am I missing out on something important here?


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"