After deciding (last Friday) that even the promising TripPilot software for the Palm sucked, I'm now interested in interfacing my Rand McNally GPS unit with the empeg and trying out this software.

Does anyone has the following information?:

- An "idiot's guide" to installing GPSApp.

- An "idiot's guide" to getting maps and directions into GPSApp.

Something I'd like to do is link the GPSApp page from the FAQ, but I usually only like to do that kind of thing if the page has those kinds of instructions on it. Any chance of the page getting updated with that information?

Also- Does anyone have tips on connecting the Rand McNally GPS unit to the Empeg? Does anyone think it's as simple as wiring the correct pins on the StreetFinder's connector plug directly to the Empeg's serial port?
Tony Fabris