What little people on the outside know about NVIDIA drivers or ATI drivers for that matter. Hearsay goes a long way I suppose. Unfortunately it takes time to get away from it, but we're working on it. I don't think there's a website out there that has not given the new cards and drivers a glowing review.

Our products are a lot more diverse than NVIDIA's, and we write a lot more software. You can add whatever filters you'd like to an NV card as well as a 10 bit DAC (HTPC crowd wouldn't know a 10bit DAC if it bit them on the nose) and they'd still be left with an inferior video solution with crippled DVD playback capabilities by comparison.

If anyone has a right to comlain about bugs in driver software, I'm sure the HTPC crowd should be the last on the list. Driver problems and bugs have been a lot more common on the 3D front than anything else.

You'd be pleased to know that software quality has always been a priority at ATI. However, now it's being brought to the forefront along with a marketing push. The company is actively promoting its software and positioning it as a notable portion of the product line. The new line of cards are feature-complete for Windows. AFAIK, the public is still waiting on final release of DX9 though.


But of course my opinions are biased.
Twisted Melon : Fine Mac OS Software