The tray icon has little (nothing) to do with the "drivers" themselves. The tray applet is ties to the desktop properties extensions, but you don't have to run anything in the tray. I can't speak for the design of the tray icon and its associated launcher icons, nor the interfaces for the rest of the Windows software. If that were my job, it would all look quite a bit different and you'd have nothing but praise for it. But that's because I'm a perfectionist. Likely the projects would all be over-budget and over-schedule.

Seriously though, I'm very much into interface design, but that's not my job at ATI.
I do think that the majority of computer users like gaudy however. You have to see some of the skins and desktops people are running in other applications. Not to mention all the freaks around the world who run their task bars at the bottom of the screen! That's just wrong.