If anyone has a right to comlain about bugs in driver software, I'm sure the HTPC crowd should be the last on the list. Driver problems and bugs have been a lot more common on the 3D front than anything else.

Well, the HTPC crowd has a good reason to complain. The install. I just reformatted my media PC containing an AIW Radeon, Remote Wonder, and 5.1 compliant sound card. The biggest pain in the ass came when I wanted to install all the ATI components. Had I used the horribly outdated CD that came with the card, it would have been fine. But I choose to download everything from the web. This resulted in:

1. Drivers for the card
2. Control panal for the card
3. Capture drivers for the card
4. MultiMedia Center
5. DVD player
6. Remote Wonder 1.1 drivers
7. Remote Wonder 1.2 upgrade
8. Direct X 8.1
9. MS WMP7 Codecs

Because I had 9 different things to install with no real order stated anywhere, I spent two hours getting it all working togther. Even though I seemed to install it all in the correct order, the TV related components of the AIW all showed up as unknown hardware. The solution? Well ATI files just said reinstall the capture drivers. I tried that 4 times. Finally something kicked in somewhere and installed the card properly.

The setup works great just like it did in the past, but I don't dare touch the drivers again. Please, get the software teams to get togther and write a wrapper installer like what is included on the CD. Sure, it would increase their workload a bit every driver revision, but it would decrease the time it takes ATI customers to get their AIW systems working.

Also, get the driver teams to bundle the damn control panals back in the drivers. They require each other, and should have never been seperated.

The tray applet is ties to the desktop properties extensions, but you don't have to run anything in the tray.

No, but every single time the drivers are updated (and thats been happening quite a bit on the 9700 side), the tray icon shows it's face again, along with the "How to hook your high resolution card to a low resolution POS TV" help files for 2 reboots. If I uncheck something, I expect it to stay that way across upgrades. My sound drivers for my Shuttle have never restored the system tray icon even after 4 driver upgrades.

I know it's not your job to work on these components, but it would be appreciated if you tormented the people who do work on these in the cafeteria or something