What's EmpegUpgrade, and which browse button do you mean? Is it something in emplode?

EmpegUpgrade.exe is the program that you run to upgrade the empeg car player software. It appears on your "Start" menu when you install a new version of Emplode.

When you run it, it asks you to locate a file with the extension of ".upgrade" (the file you download from the empeg web site), and it has a "browse" button so you can pick the file through the GUI and you don't have to type in the full path and file name.

Roger changed that program (at my request by the way- too cool! Thanks, Roger!) so that when you hit the "browse" button, it remembers the last folder you got the last ".upgrade" file from and gives that to you as a default. Before he did that, it was always defaulting to "My Documents", a folder which I never use. I was getting tired of having to go folder-fishing every time I upgraded my Empeg. Now it will always remember that folder and go back to it.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris