I've spent way too much time and money with my empegs to let it go "at cost" - which would still be higher than what the sticker price of the blow-out sale was. There was shiping, tax, me driving half way accross town to the airport to pick it up, etc. Besides, I've done some freebie (near freebie) service for a few people, by using my own money to buy units for them and then sending them off to various places around the world at cost.

$699 is the price I paid for the unit I have installed in my car right now. Plus another $200 x 2 for 30GB drives. Ouch. And there are people who've paid more than double that for similar.

With the right advertising I have no doubt that I could get $1000 USD for an empeg. Especially if other people selling them weren't low-balling the prices. But I only have this unit to sell. I'm not going around buying close-outs as a cottage-industry or anything.

Twisted Melon : Fine Mac OS Software