Living in New Orleans, LA, I get hurricanes fairly regularly. Believe me, when a hurricane comes, it's usually not the wind that's a problem, it's the massive amounts of rain that usually does the most damage to people and property. Granted, a category 4-5 hurricane can do some damge with pure wind, but I've never been in a real BAD one. What DOES scare me is tornadoes. With those, there is usually little warning and the force is much more violent. They don't hurt the insurance companies as much, since the damage isn't nearly on the scale of a hurricane, but to the individuals involved, it can be much worse. A couple of times I've been through the eye of a hurricane. It is really something to be seen. One minute, the trees are bending all the way to the left, then the sun comes out, everything's calm, the birds are flying around, then 10 minutes later you're hit again, only the trees are bending to the right. It's just odd knowing you're standing outside in the very center of a massive vortex and everything seems so incredibly calm.