oh geez, sorry about that Hugo. I forgot you had a Miata too. I'm sorry!
What I meant to say is that it was too small for
me. This was at the beginning of high school and I had 3 saxophones to carry around including a baritone. There was no way I was going to fit all that and a backpack into the Miata. That's what I meant.
And now that I think about it, yes, it should corner better than my car.
About the nostalgia, I don't think that's the reason
most people buy it. Alot of the people buying it weren't even driving yet when it had its first time around. People now buy it because it's different and/or cute, and instead of buying a cute Neon (which is not as good a ride), or a more ordinary Golf (which is basically what the bug is), they go for a distinctively retro look. And seeking a retro look is different than nostalgia.
In a way, it's just like the PT Cruiser, which I
was looking into getting but didn't because it was, again, too small for my needs (though not quite as small as the Miata). People buy the PT because it's
In other words, I shouldn't have said I didn't see why it was so popular, I should have asked why this guy still thought it was a better car than the one he bought. But I really don't care anyway, so what does it matter?
Again, Hugo, sorry about that. What started out as just a statement that I liked the old bugs better than the new ones somehow got twisted into "I hate all cars you own"