he's talking about grabbing the MP2 tracks back from the player

Your assessment is entirely correct.

I think, in truth, how many Empeg owners are ageing nutters who would want to do what I want to do? - listen to 12 and a half hours of DAB radio broadcasts each week, when they've got a storehouse of great playlists loaded up.

That being the case, I don't think it's really worth your spending time on, unless it's easy to sort at some point, I just thought that I had better report it - the Empeg is fabulous enough and I am the first "amongst others", behind Lemmy, who would prefer the RDS upgrade. I can get round it by just leaving the files on the PC, they'll never take up more than 750 mbs. and, to erase a set of files from Empeg and PC, instead of just the one will probably take about a nanosecond longer, each week.

As always, thanks a million for spending the time to think about it.

Edited by boxer (04/12/2002 04:25)
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag