You will find UK special deals on Tivo's in this thread. The only UK model in known existance is made by Thompson and they will not be manufacturing any more units and no other manufacturer has been confirmed AFAIK, possibly this is connected to the firesales seen by the High St. stores. They have been on sale here for between £99 and £149 recently but you will be lucky if you can find a store with stock now. I would suggest that you bid on that auction up to £149, otherwise keep an eye out for other deals on that forum from other UK retailers looking to dump their stock.

There was speculation over Tivo pulling out of the UK entirely but that's considered unlikely by most, after all, the monthly subscriptions are their steady revenue stream and that's money for old rope.

Video Extraction (not UK specific in general terms):
You need a network card from - someone on that forum made a bulk buy to save on US->UK carriage costs.
You need TiVoWeb
TiVo Linux bin tools such as
Mfsstream (a plugin for TiVoWeb) to grab .ty files from TiVo (no link handy, sorry)
+ a whole load of other crap to process the video stream into something useful. This I'm currently learning myself so I have very little to add ATM.

IMHO extraction is a PITA but I always expected it to be that way. There are some tools still in development that will hopefully make the process less painful but from what I've read recently, and I'm a newbie to this myself, the technology is not that evolved - no disrespect meant to those developing these tools but point-and-click (which is what _I_ want) appears to be some way off right now