"The Tivo is the Mac of the PVR world, where the Replay is the PC equivalent."

No way. If a Mac person were to buy a PVR, I don't think they would care about video extraction. The TiVo community is "the business." I have 4 hacks running on my machine that give me an ultimate PVR experience that (I think) Replay can't match.
  • Caller ID - TiVo doesn't include this officially because they don't want to pay a license. I use YAC, but another is elseed.
  • TiVoWeb - I can scedule recordings from any web broser with Java capability (Java needed for VNC).
  • TyTool - Server that serves a Windows client recordings (video extraction to a Windows PC). It is currently alpha status, but works extremely well.
  • TiVo Control Station - This thing is also very new. It allows a text overlay of lots of info retrived from WWW pages. I can track eBay auctions, get the weather report, get sports scores, and get a record of who called while I was out while my fat ass is lounging on the couch. It is a little buggy (causes the TiVo to reboot) but it will get better.

I used to recommend Replay to my friends with cable TV simply for the video extraction. Since I started becoming a TiVo command line ninja, I see the ultimate power of the box and recommend TiVo. TiVo ownz Replay!
-Rob Riccardelli
80GB 16MB MK2 090000736