"See, ultimately, there is no right and wrong."

And this is the core of where we would disagree. I understand that the values of today are undefined to a large extent and I think this can only lead down a dangerous path. It is good to have a sense of "rightness", and this sense must sometimes be placed on us externally; we can't always rely on our own abilities to judge. There are times that we aren't capable of "right" decisions, whether it be because we don't have enough information, we are misguided, we are in some altered (drug-induced) state, or whatever else.

We are talking about suicide here, and I hope you would all agree that teenagers feeling the angst one often feels at that age should be prevented from taking their own lives, no matter how badly they want to do it. And if a friend out of sadistic pleasure decides help by putting a bullet in his or her "friend’s" head, I at least would certainly call out for justice. You might say that the case in question differs from teenage angst because it involves consenting adults, but the actions, consequences, and rationale are the same.

"Someone find a scenario where hurting yourself is wrong."

If hurting yourself causes others to copy you who wouldn't otherwise have hurt themselves, then you have affected them for the worse. People are responsible for their own actions, but we can't believe what we do has no consequence.

For the case in question, say that eating humans becomes fashionable if we allow this behavior. Is it too far removed to think that people would offer themselves with full consent if money was to be given to their families? Based on your criteria, could we say that it was wrong? Or what about a person who is drug induced? You might say that drug inducement would be wrong, but is it alright to take advantage of someone who is mentally unstable (Which I would say is the case of anyone offering themselves up for cannibalism)?

Back to the "right or wrong" thing, again I will agree that this is the view a lot of people take, but there are those (like myself) who believe that there is absolute right and wrong, and that it is not a matter of mere perception. Of course, I can't force you to believe the way I do, but that doesn't mean it isn't true.

Taking sadistic pleasure in consuming another human being is depraved, and it is not a right that I believe should be protected.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.