...we all believe in absolutes...
Hmmm. I don't know what you mean here. I certainly believe in some absolutes, (1=1, c/d==pi, etc.), and, possibly even some morla absolutes, but certainly not many. In fact, it is my belief that, generally, belief in absolutes is what leads people to be extremists, unwilling to accept anyone else's beliefs, and killing them because of it. (See the Crusades, Northern Ireland, Al Qaeda, etc.)

Of course, maybe that's not what you mean.

    [T]he quoting of O.T. law out of it cultural home is unhelpful
I wasn't trying to imply its correctness, or lack thereof, but only show that the declaration that the Bible shows all life (we'll assume human) as sacred is wrong, as God ordered us to kill others.
Bitt Faulk