Man, you go to lunch and all heaven breaks loose....(wink)
First of all it's very easy for everyone to jump all over Meatballman and claim we need to be understanding of other people's beliefs. But to do so is simply playing the crowd's sympathies and failing to address the issue. If you think you Superman and that you can jump of a building and fly away, then I am obligated to save you from yourself, if for no other reason than I would hope you do the same for me if someone slipped a mickey in my coke when I wasn't looking.

Second it doesn't matter if someone pretends to be a religious leader and isn't or they are but they're flawed (which is all of us by the way) it doesn't place God to blame for their actions. You are responsible for your beliefs. If I'm a sham and you choose me, that doesn't change or lessen the fact that you are wrong.

Third, the quoting of O.T. law out of it cultural home is unhelpful. While it may seem unclear to us, it was perfectly clear to them. And becomes clear to us with historical study.

Now with all of that said, we all believe in absolutes, rightness and wrongness only mucks up the argument until we agree to that. The very computer your looking at would be impossible without certain assumptions on which to base equations.
Michael West