Speakeasy always has some type of offer for signing up. They extend them often too. Other than charging me too much and being unable to change any type of service (speed or email accounts) and no static IPs, I'd rather not switch since I've had this current account and email since '97. jump.net was bought out by hosting.com (Allegiance Telecom) and they will only change commercial accounts, They make me feel like they're doing me a favor overcharging me and letting me remain a customer, but the service is exceptional... The only downtime I've had (that affected me) in the past 2 years was email for about 6 hours... Bastards! And the fact it could be up to 6 weeks downtime between getting SBCs service terminated and Covad started on my line is another reason I'm in no hurry...
Dave Clark Georgetown, Texas MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX