The offer is still good, just go in throuh their main page. Unless you want the gamer/sysadmin pachage, Speakeasy's $50 account is pretty much the same as DirecTVs, with the exception that it's not 1.5 down, which would be nice. What I wouldn't give for the 1.5/784 account though. I can't really see paying $180 for a shell account and an X-Box, unless someone else pays your DSL bill in which case it's a great deal.
Cable is an option for me too, but I live in a college town, which is about the worst thing you can do when it comes to cable. And AT&T@Home did that whole nasty thing to people last year where they wouldn't pay @home to keep the network going while they switched them off of it.
I can't decide if I should switch to speakeasy now and try and beat the crowds, or wait till next week and see what posibile migration deal directv has. They did time this perfectly for me, as I'm going to be gone for the next month for christmas vacation.