If these aliens they don’t like how they are being treated GO HOME. We have enough people here anyway. But I’m sure they won’t because it’s worse where they came from.

Ah, so your ethnic origin is native american, then?

It's one of the many things that has always puzzled me about Americans, their attitude to their own history. IE, "I'm of Irish/Polish/Dutch/Spanish/English/Russian/etc origin, my family came here 1/2/3/4/etc generations ago, we've done really well but respect our roots, and we SURE as HELL don't want no foreigners coming to OUR country!"

Foreigners usually being whoever the particular ethnic group it's currently fashionable to hate, in many cases even if they've been in the US for several generations. It's odd, really. Considering that the US was mainly settled by immigrants from Europe fleeing persecution for religious or ethnic reasons, why is so much of the population (and more often than not official policy) xenophobic, paranoid, and isolationist?

I'm not trying to be (particularly) offensive, but I am curious.

Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...