As far as the original article. First off, don’t believe everything you read. I’m sure it was basically accurate but you can tell it was written with a bias (not good reporting). Also, as many pointed out, why was it not in most of the major (liberal) news reports. It probably was not that big of a deal. The article focused more on emotion than anything else (they didn’t even report a firm number). I’m sure that many people were jailed (and not for 20 years). However if you are to immediately round up that many people (and it must be immediate or the real terrorists would escape) what are you going to do with them? They have to be detained somehow until all are questioned. I’m sure if I were in that mix I’d be pissed off too. No one likes to be detained and accused of being a terrorist. These are necessary inconveniences that we need to insure more buildings don’t come tumbling down. I see many bumper stickers that say “Never Again” well, we have to take steps to insure we live up to that statement.

I guess now I am trying to change minds.

Edited by 440Fopar (24/12/2002 08:10)