SUV and their drivers are being targetted by religious groups, vandals, governemt agencies and others as a scapegoat IMO while SO many other groups of rampant pollutors go unnoticed by the people and press.

There's something to that, but bemoaning it probably won't do you any good. SUVs? Well Suburbans certainly have their fans among Columbian drug lords and oil sheiks, but I think SUVs receive so much attention in the U.S. because they are positively emblematic of reckless American disregard - of our unique, neo-isolationist, business-as-usual, $1.50-a-gallon collective mindset.

Other countries have their share of the rampant polluters you cite, but only we in the U.S. (really) have the SUV. So, if you find one of those "I'm Changing the Environment..Ask Me How!" bumperstickers on your SUV, don't be tooooo shocked. Just go find your paint scraper.

Don't get the idea that I'm sort of environmental saint. I burn more than my share of oil recreationally. I have friends that drive a Suburban, but they haul search dogs up logging roads in it, so I grant them the need. Can't imagine ever driving an Excursion or Hummer, myself, though!

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.