Company I work for went with Adept Web, a small company who were then bought out by IZR Solutions - both have given very good service. We are on the 20:1 521k business service for about £60/month. I have also heard very good things about A&A and also Nildram, but since Adept was owned by the boss' friend I didn't have much choice.
One thing I dread is choosing a colo company and then have them get bought out by someone else a couple of months later.
Probably a lucky miss with Nildram, they have been having nightmares recently because they didn't allow enough time before ordering their next central line from BT. BT took longer than they should have to install it (as expected) and Nildram ADSL customers suffered to a little too much contention for a while.
Adrian at A&A got caught out like this soon after ADSL first started, which is why this time he order the next central line about six months before he needed it. It still took BT 5 weeks longer than it should have to get it installed.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday