Good thing I didn't finish reading the whole message. I was nearly half way when I decided to check out your other messages first. But it didn't sound like an ATI problem as I was reading.

Did you update your software to Catalyst 3? You should still keep the WDM drievrs from the CD if they're newer than those on the site. But I think there should be newer ones. I just brought home a new beta of the entire MMC package and drivers. I may install it tonight but maybe only tomorrow. TV recording and usage seems to work for me - I have an AIW9700 in a Shuttle SS51G system.

I have yet to finish reading the thread... Fluke I read it tho. If you ever need me to check out a thread, please feel free to PM me. I dont read as often as I used to and I am usually very picky about which threads to check out. No time anymore. Tonight I have a bit of time because I'm stranded at home. I actually needed to go out, but the doors on my car (locks) are frozen solid (had my car washed at work this afternoon and it's brutally cold outside - must have frozen up after I got home). My GF is coming over so I'll have a way to get to work tomorrow if I can't open the doors in the morning. Aaarrrrrgh.

There are likely to be a ton of typos in this message. I'm using an IR keyboard, sitting on my couch. The keyboard is just balanced on my leg right now and the receiver isn't positioned optimally right now.

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