
Reinstall the most recent emplode first. The two program versions (player and emplode) must be in sync with each other. That is why the 1.03 emplode is not finding the player.

Once you have it back, go into the player and do this. Basically, you would need to rebuild the database. I know you tried it. An alternative...

A nice, easy trick from the rsync guide is to leave the player in read/write mode and launch the player application from command line. This will rebuild the databases once, and write them directly to their appropriate files. When you get a shell prompt, do:

rm /drive0/var/database
rm /drive0/var/playlists
rm /drive0/var/tags

This will rebuild your databases. It will take a while. Enter a "q" once the build is completed. This will exit the player application and drop you back to shell.


Best to reboot at this point. Try a sync now...

P.S. - Simultaneous editing...

Edited by pgrzelak (01/02/2003 12:35)
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs