This brought up an interesting question...
The updates to the invitation annoucement thread have slowed down quite a bit. This is, as you say, undoubtedly because of the number of orders to invitations ratio going up.
My question is, have the invites just slowed down (100 per day or something) and you aren't updating the annoucement until you hit the next 1000 mark, or are you still dealing with orders from the last 1000 and just haven't sent out another batch of invites in the last 3 days

I think everyone was accustomed to seeing a message a day in the annoucements. As you know, we are all very edgy and watch that counter around the clock. I can't speak for the rest, but it would be nice continue seeing an annoucment a day, even if that announcement just says that you are still processing orders and have not yet invited more people

That's just me, and probably because I am 145?? and getting very excited. I suspect you'll do a batch of 500 invites next, just so that I can pull my hair out more
