I don't use any drugs, drink tea, coffee, or even like coke,That sounds familiar. I used to do coffee , but after a 36 hour stretch where I kept awake by drinking 3 1/2 pots and a six-pack of coke, I don't anymore. As for coke (as in Coca-Cola, the brand, which is all I drank, as well as just pop in general)? The carbonation just disrupts my digestive system to the point of horrific stomach cramps.
I'd agree with the pain-killer thing too, even though I rarely even do those. I seperated my shoulder a few years ago, and it never even occurred to me that I ought to get a prescription for pain. I didn't sleep so well some nights, but *shrug*.
I don't think I'm in that .05% of people that can't get past the taste -- I've never gotten past the smell enough to want it in my mouth -- but I don't mind (some) food that has it. Can't stand tiramisu, or other rum based things, though. Foul stuff. I'm not sure what I'll do when I go travelling in those parts of Europe where the wine is better than the water.