The MK1 had some downfalls..

None that I can think of, really.
The thump after you turn it off was a problem initially, but I fixed it using the thump device of Little John. Basically a set of relays that keep the Mk1 alive for some 2 seconds, while the amp is being switched of. I believe the same principle is used in the Mk2 to avoid the thumps, but Little John solved it as an external adaptor. Have a look in the projects section if you need it; not all amps need it. If you can't find it, let me know.

Yeah, the cabling loom at the back of he sled is kind of awkward, especially if you needed the floating-grounding cables, getting the sled into the dash is tedious. Also, the sled scratches the player a bit. And it's more plain looking if you call that a downfall. Overall there is nothing wrong with a mk1 at all. I found the tump a big problem, but that got resolved with Little John's 'de-thump' device.

The difference with the Mk2 is that the Mk2 has a more features: faster processor; more memory; bigger drives; Ethernet; the extra rotating knob; dash-light sensor; telephone mute; and (not there yet: voice recognition). And the empeg guys gave it a real good look. I like(d) the plain-ness of the Mk1 and was afraid they would be messing it up on the Mk2, but they haven't. The Mk2 is again of very plain design, but richer. And it is claimed that the Mk2 has less background noise. I can't tell, but haven't listened to them side by side. Both are excellent in-car players.

Finally, there are two areas where the Mk1 is better than the Mk2: the display (at least the amber-mk1 compared to the red-mk2). In a BMW the radio sits pretty high up in the console and the mk2 is hardly readable there at all in day light. I often wish it had the same display as the mk1. And that the mk1 has a built-in radio radio while the (optional) external radio for the mk2 hasn't been delivered yet.

The biggest differences are in the looks, I believe.
Anybody disagreeing? Am I forgetting anything?

mk2 6 nr 6
former owner of mk1 00120
Henno mk2 [orange]6 [/orange]nr 6