At this point in my life, I am probably going back to school to get my bachelor's degree. I have an associates in computer systems management (mostly VB programming, light networking, Access). I am looking to go back to go for an electronics engineering program. Has anyone gone to schools like DeVry, ITT, and Chubb? Are these 'loser' schools?

The reason I would probably like to go to these types of schools is because the students would probably be more professional. I got my associates at a school like this (WBI) and most students were older than me. I liked this much better than the BS I witness when I visit my firends for the weekend at their 'real' schools.

ITT is looking like the winner right now, but EE courses are only available in certain areas (none of them close to me). This is not a big problem as most of what I do now at work can be done from home.

So..... any opinions?
-Rob Riccardelli
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