This is true to an extent. Many of the "lesser" colleges do teach the exact same curriculum as the "better" colleges but because you do not have the "Name Stamp" of the "better" college you are not credited with the knowledge.

For example: I graduated from a "lesser" college with an associate’s degree. I wished to continue my education in a "better" college to obtain a bachelors degree. After much argument with the Dean the “better” college credited many of my classes. However one calculus class was declined. After continuing to argue with the Dean she finally agreed to take ALL my credits if I got a "C" or better in the disputed calculus class. When I took the class not only did it have the same curriculum but they even used the same book. I aced the class to prove my point.

Bottom line is that even if they do teach the same curriculum you will not be looked upon as having the same degree and you may have issues if you wish to continue your education.

Edited by Redrum (26/02/2003 09:23)