I don't know about ITT or DeVry's Electronic school, but I have met several other "programmers" from DeVry, and have never been impressed with their skill.
I applied for a programming job a while ago at some company, and it came down to me, who at the time had an Associates (2 year) degree in computer electronics with very little actual school training in programming, and a person with a Bachelor’s degree in CS from DeVry. He got the job, but I was referred to a sister company in the same building that was using the same language, and got that job. We ended up training together, and with my mostly self-taught knowledge I kicked his butt at every turn. He was clueless, had no idea about even the simplest thing. Since then I have got my Bachelors (at a real college), and I estimate that pretty much any of my fellow graduates could have kicked this guys butt as well.
One DeVry graduate ended up being a friend of mine at another job, and he told me that pretty much everyone passes there. So if you want to learn, you can, but unlike a real college learning is not a requirement to get a degree. If I was an employer I would never hire one unless I tested the hell out of him first.
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB