Tobin, Dan, and others

Good luck in the job search, I know how it feels. I lost my job in November but recently found another job about 2 months ago. I still feel bitter towards my old company - mostly because upper management there was a bunch of morons who ran the company into the ground after buying up all these other little failing wireless companies.

Words of advice - network as much as you can. Talk to friends, relatives, etc etc. Bypassing HR/the paper/monster/etc to get a job is better - thats how I got in. My friend had just gotten a job and 2 months later got me a job at the same place.

Not all jobs in the defense sector need clearances. IT work, application programing and the like don't require clearances at all. Don't ignore those opportunities just because you dont think you qualify.

Thats strange - when I was out there looking, there were tons of IT/Tech jobs especially around the DC area at various defense contractors and such, most all of those jobs required clearance. There was an IT job fair I almost went to except for the fact that all the companies there required job clearances.

Good luck guys, and like other said, if it starts being a while that you're out of work - get a small part time job somewhere just so you're out there talking to people. I was really close to getting a job at a ski resort if I didn't get the opportunity for the job I have now.
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