Well I got a broken nose, a bad concussion, banged up knees, and cuts and bruises all over. The guy that hit me got a broken wrist and I don't know what else. Major bummer, I had 2 years in the restoration of that car. I had driven it twice since it was finished. Now I have to deal with the F#@%ing insurance companies who will undoubtedly try and screw me. I will never get what I have put into that car. Of course the best thing is that no one was killed. It's a blessing I was by myself. If there had been a passenger they would have done a face plant into the dash. Not good. I at least had a Momo steering wheel to hold on to. It now is also wasted. I haven't gone back to work yet as I got a pretty good rap on the noggen.
No matter where you might be, there you are.