I personally think its a really low thing to do.
Why? Do you think the offer of aid for physical needs is disingenuous? If so, I believe I can understand your viewpoint. However if you think that spiritual aid should not be coupled with physical aid, I flatly disagree. Evangelists believe that the spiritual need is far greater than the physical need and so it makes perfect sense that they would attempt to bring spiritual truth to others. An evangelist would consider the physical needs a person has temporary, but the spiritual needs eternal. Thus it is certainly not abusive or uncompassionate for evangelists to attempt to address spiritual needs, though if you don’t agree with the spiritual premise they are coming from I can certainly understand how you think their actions are misguided. If free thought is valued we must also value the rights of others to follow their ideas, however much we might disagree with them.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.