Anyone running the OmniWeb 4.5 sneakypeeks? I just found them today (I thought that the ``Check for Updates'' would continue to tell me about them, but it didn't) and I'm somewhat disappointed.

They've gone from using their own rendering engine to using the built-in MacOS X one, which means that it looks virtually identical to Safari, which, while better than the majority of other MacOS X and Windows browsers, looks ten times worse than OmniWeb 4.2 and earlier did, IMO.

It is nice to have the faster rendering and the OmniWeb features at the same time, but I really wish they'd have spent time speeding up their own engine.

To demonstrate, here are two screenshots you should all be familiar with, one from OmniWeb 4.2 and one from OmniWeb 4.5sp13:

Am I just nuts? I just liked the old rendering better.

155157-ow42.png (175 downloads)

Bitt Faulk