I just set up a Redhat box, I downloaded all the disks for Redhat 9, installation was very easy. Everything is running smoothly from a basic os standpoint.

Heres where we get to the point that makes me want to rip my hair out.

I'm following along with instructions listed here the only problem is I'm using old stuff I had lying around... one of which is an older model ATI all in wonder card. Has anyone ever installed one of these under redhat? Redhat detects it and it works great, but I need to install (from what I gather) something from http://gatos.sourceforge.net/ to make the video out, TV in, and other features of my card function, ATI linked that on the drivers page.

Here is my beef and my problem... I know nothing about linux other then basic setup. I go to that page they say I need xfree86 installed so after wasting an hour... I find out it's already installed... then they say I need CVS installed so I dick around with that for another half hour trying to browse my way to a download which is burried under 20 frickin pages of Q&A and legal disclaimers.... to find that it too is installed under redhat 9.... problem is I don't know where it is, how to access it, or how to use it.

If some kind soul has any links to the absolute morons guide for installing an ATI All In Wonder Pro PCI (rage 128 chipset), specifically the video out functions and what not... I'd be most eternally grateful.

Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's