OK, so I said to hell with the ATI card and used a Pinnacle video card I had laying around.

Next issue... this is small, really small...

Wrote the script described here
Everything loads fine except the last line "insmod bttv card=39" (my card is different then what their using so my card=39) which I can see error out during boot... big red failed...

Once booted I can log in as root and issue that command via terminal and freevo works great....

Any ideas on whats happening?

Also, I noticed during freevo playback audio and video aren't synced, in the article they said use a 1.4 ghz proc, mine is only 1ghz but I have almost 3 times the ram... is there anyway to issue a command or something to give freevo a higher priority?

Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's