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I am looking at making a lens for 303's fascia for my own use. I have access to laser cutting service that can do depth cutting and wanted to see if the neon effect carries over in 1/16" acrylic.

I have a 303 Fascia on loan from Paul to me for prototyping. So I will be offering them. I also have a Laser system at work and when it's not tied up I try to get the 1/16 Clear and Smoke made on it.

As far as finding neon material in 1/16th. Good Luck. I have not been able to so far and secondly I don't think you'll have a very good effect if you intend on doing something similar to my Neons. I.E. making a raised portion to simulate a neon ring.
Especially if you do it on the Laser. 1. At best you'll have only a 1/32nd thick lip which would probably not be enough and 2. The laser just by the inherent nature of how the systems work will probably warp the lens when you burn off the extra material to leave a lip for the ring effect.
I'm not trying to rain on your idea. I just don't see it working like I think your intending. I've been in the plastics business too long.
Steve DarkStorm Designs