Be aware that the Tickle Pink Inn isn't in carmel at all, and is a fifteen minute drive from anywhere.

Yeah...I picked that up in my research. I don't mind a short drive into town for the day though, and being a little more secluded is probably a good thing™. I liked what I saw of the rooms and the reviews I read on it were great. They're sending me some more info. I'll need to decide on that soon so I can get a reservation.
You don't say how long you'll be staying so I'll throw out some things and you can edit to suit

Sorry...I should have been more specific on the dates and times. We'll just be out there the week of Aug 3 - 9 because we have to squeeze it in before she starts back at school. That and I'm not a rich I'll probably won't be able to budget more than that.
I'd definitly take a day to drive down the big sur coast.

I've done it once as a boy from Anaheim to San Francisco, much of it on Hwy 1. I don't remember much but the fact that it was quite lovely at times. I'm pretty sure that's on the agenda. Just gotta get the empeg working in that rental . I actually mostly remember the Golden Gate Bridge, Muir Woods and the Redwood Forest and visiting a little Danish town in Southern CA named Solvang. The rest is a little fuzzy. And I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, so I'll shut up now.
Carmel Beach is beautiful, and champagne is the only allowed alcoholic beverage

Neither of us imbibe, so that won't be a problem.

Some of the stuff you mentioned sounds fascinating...I've always wanted to go to Hearst Castle. Is that doable as a day trip? We'll probably make it to the wharf and market because she likes to shop at markets and such. I'll be checking out the other links and suggestions and will probably post more about them as I get the chance. Is the Winchester Mansion in San Jose worth seeing if we can fit it in on the way there or back?

The internet is a great thing, but it's difficult to get a feel for what's available without some local knowlege. Thanks for taking the time to help me out...many beautiful virgins await you in paradise.

~ John