I was just in Monterey for the 4th weekend. I'll 3rd the aquarium. The Jellies exhibit is out-of-this-world.

One tip - between about 11am and 3pm the traffic was backed up for miles on Hwy 1 at the turn-offs to Carmel by-the-sea. So if you're planning on spending time actually at Carmel by-the-sea - I'd recommend getting there mid-morning. If you get in the traffic, it'll literally take you an hour to get down to CBTS - unless you're staying there of course.

There's also a great restaurant at Rocky Point not far from the Tickle Pink. They have good food and a cool bar that overlooks Rocky Point. Jessica Pfeiffer State Park about 40 minutes south of Rocky Point is also cool. There are some trails there and a lot of good views.

Also, if you are able to head north, there's a great redwood grove about 10 minutes from Santa Cruz in the north part of Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park off of Hwy 9 that is a geat place to spend the afternoon.

Anyway, there are my suggestions. Have a great Honeymoon!

*Edit* - Oh and 17 mile drive is legendary if you're into golf.

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- trs