I am sorely tempted to get some audiobooks on mine
If you do then you'll really use bookmarks a lot, and it's SO much nicer than changing CDs. My wife and I have been traveling a lot in her non-empeg enabled car listening to the Harry Potter books (which I cannot recommend highly enough for listening to while driving- they are a perfect level of depth for not drawing your attention too far away from the road while still staying interesting) and it was so annoying to always change to the next CD. It's so nice listening to LOTR without having to break between CDs, I just only wish they hadn't put "this ends disk X of LOTR by J.R.R. Tolkien" at the end of every CD.

Also, since I brought it up, I'm finding that LOTR is not so great for listening while driving- I'm not sure if its' because the source material isn't as compatible with driving or merely the way it's being read, but I'm not enjoying it nearly as much as the three times I've read it on paper.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.