Remember that the software upgrade overwrites the kernel with the factory kernel. So if you want the hijack kernel, you need to re-install it.

Of course I did reinstal hijack kernel after upgrade, sorry I didn't mention it.

If you have the hijack kernel installed, just use CharcoalGray99's XML interface, or write your own routine to retrieve http://your.empeg.ip.address/proc/empeg_screen.png. Displayserver has kind of been replaced by that feature hijack.

Actually I have installed CharcoalGray as well as empegVNC. I have read about displayserver about a year ago, and didn't check for new software for empeg - I found out about these new programs just yesterday. It is good to see that there is still new software developed for empeg!
BTW, all programs mentioned use ethernet connection. I wonder if there is similar USB-based solution?
