h, Jim, you beat my girlfriend! You are even more of a crazy liberal than she is!

I confess! I voted for George McGovern!!

Funny, With respect to some of the questions that perhaps you and CanuckinLA disliked, I think I disliked them initially, but then started to think that they were rather clever. Their lack of a "no opinion" option is deliberate as, I think, are the "no good answer" questions that pose something like "the most important thing is...." Those force uncomfortable value/priority judgement.

Just for fun, I retook the test and gamed it to eliminate any "middles" .I changed everything to "strongly" in the direction of my original answers (which certainly made some of the answers look like *really* stereotypical liberal/left answers -- "I strongly agree that all children have a right to learn macarme!!" Anyhow, that exercise gave me:

Economic Left/Right: -8.75
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -9.18

Obviously, if "perfect" is 10, I am still getting some of the answers wrong!

The compass is an interesting exercise, and I don't have a negative reaction to it in the way I do to some of those personality tests, but I have the feeling that is something is missing -- that there's a third axis that they haven't found yet.

The Authoritarian/Libertarian axis puzzles me a bit, at least with respect to my initial, ungamed score. Sure, I consider myself a "small L" libertarian, but my score aside, I *hardly* consider myself an anarchist, and I am really a pretty strong Federalist and anti (big L) Libertarian. (I confess! I used to work for the health department! And, yes, I'd probably round up all those poxed prairie dogs and shoot 'em!), so I'm not sure I get the libertarian/authoritarian scale entirely.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.