Yes, I wasn't trying to imply that anyone here would gas a subway based on a political quiz. I wasn't trying to spit on the Lama either.

By the way, I agree that some of those questions are hard to answer. Such as "Making peace with the establishment is an important aspect of maturity." I reckon your answer to that will either classify you as "authoritarian" (agree) or "libertarian" (disagree). I do agree with the statement, but that doesn't mean I don't desagree with some of the things the government does. For example, I don't think it's right that the BATF won't allow me to put a bayonet or a collapsible stock on my rifle, but I'm not about to go burn down the BATF headquarters. So I guess I'm at peace with the establishment and I'll try to change things I don't like through peaceful ways such as voting. Does that make me an authoritarian? The test isn't perfect.