When something comes out that's easier and better, I'll do it. The drawbacks to the current empeg are (for me) the lack of a color screen and the screen size.

Having a fold out screen or even a full facia screen w/ only a remote control would be better in the future - color of course. I don't care too much about a CD/DVD reader, but it would be nice. Possibly USB 2.0 connections would alleviate this problem and allow for many other potential external interfaces.

The empeg - in my opinion - suffers from being too far ahead of it's time. The competition is starting to catch up but the products coming out now have the advantages of using technology 2 (give or take) years more advanced and developed.

I'm planning on being done w/ my empeg when I get rid of my current car - 2+ years. At that point I would think that something else will have come out that is better for a reasonable price. I wish that an empeg Mark 3 was coming down the pipeline - but it's not.
10+40 Gig Mk2a... with Tuner. S/N 040103784 || 2001 Jeep TJ, 60th Anniversary Edition