And microsoft office on a windows machine starts up with the cursed and annoying idiotic dancing bloody paper clip, who i know how to delete.

That is what i hated the most about windows XP any time i have played with it it would try and do everything for you and guess what you wanted to do. I know this is trying to make things easy but i think it makes it harder with what you really want to do hidden away in some nasty wizard.

I an still struggling to learn everything about this new OS but i can do anything i need to do on a everyday basis. just annoying that it has not got the support for hardware that a windoze machine has my webcam and my printer don't have drivers for OS X but the printer was half dead anyway so that got replaced and i am sure i can live without a webcam.
P.Allison fixer of big engines Mk2+Mk2a signed by God / Hacked by the Lord Aberdeen Scotland